The Grayson Group Inc.

Profile of Bill Moore
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William G. Moore, Jr.
Chairman and CEO

* Born in Washington, D.C.

* Education - Georgetown University.

* Military - Five years as Airborne, Ranger Infantry Captain and Rifle Company Commander, Company D, 27th Infantry (The Wolfhounds), 25th Infantry Division.

*Bell Labs - Spent five years building computer systems in the Business Systems Information Program at Bell Labs.

* Inforex (Nasdaq) - Seven years: Branch Manager, European GM, Regional Vice President, Vice President Sales, Vice President Domestic Operations.

* Infoton (Nasdaq) - President.

* Perkin Elmer (NYSE) - Vice President Computer Operations

* Recognition Equipment Inc. (NYSE) - Chairman and CEO.

* USDATA (Nasdaq) - CEO.

* The Grayson Group Inc. - Founder and Chairman

* Honors - 

- Chairman, American Electronics Association

 - Vice Chairman, Georgetown University Board of Regents

- Presidential Appointee, Advisory Committee for Trade and Policy Negotiations

- USO World Board of Governors/Chairman Dallas-Fort Worth USO Adviory Council

- Trustee, Boys and Girls Clubs of America

- Dallas/Fort Worth Businessman of the Year