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F2F Focus


Chelen Moore

Vice President, Operations

The Grayson Group

Seldom does a day pass that a new pundit doesn’t weigh in on the downsides of social media. The dangers and depersonalization of social media are beginning to show themselves in sharp relief. The biggest casualty we see every day is the absence of face-to-face (F2F) contact between sellers and their prospects/customers. It seems to us that more and more often, intelligent and competent salespeople are less adept at and comfortable with F2F interaction with the buyers they seek to attract. Their default positions are email, texting, tweeting, Linked-in, Facebook, voicemail – anything but good old-fashioned F2F conversations. We acknowledge that it’s easier to fire off an email. But need we remind you that even the most wellcrafted emails are subject to misinterpretation both as to content and intent? There’s no ability to read body language or discern voice inflections. The time to revisit the effectiveness of the so-called virtual selling model is past. What’s needed is more “windshield time.”

LIGHTBULB MOMENT: Set a specific weekly goal for the number of F2F meetings/interactions with potential buyers, five (5) is an ambitious target.


Leveraging Dilbert

Dilbert is probably the only cartoon strip in the world that is equally at home in Business Sections (e.g., San Francisco Chronicle, Fort Worth Star Telegram) and daily Comics pages. Dilbert’s creator, Scott Adams, first conceived the strip while working in a cubicle at Crocker National Bank. His “material” then and now floods in daily from other corporate cubicle dwellers. Dilbert’s humor hits close to home more often than not. Forwarding a particularly appropriate Dilbert strip as a way of nurturing important relationships is fun and often prompts return emails or phone calls.

LIGHTBULB MOMENT: Anything that stimulates increased contact frequency is a salesperson’s lifeblood.

Good Read


There is no shortage of books on the keys to success. Occasionally a new tome appears containing truly original thinking. Such is Tony Jeary’s Strategic Acceleration. It is built on and reinforces three underpinnings of success – Clarity, Focus and Execution. He presents an insightful examination of the elements which yield laser-like focus, including the ability to consistently:

• Concentrate on doing things that really matter.

• Cut through the clutter to avoid and eliminate distractions.

• Complete predetermined tasks and objectives on time.

• Block out yesterday, not worry about tomorrow and do the next correct thing today.

Strategic Acceleration provides much food for thought and is a welcome addition to any professional library.